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CLAVAMOXY 625 LB : Uses, Side Effects , Benefits and Other information......

Aug 14, 2024


Amoxicillin Potassium Clavulanate and Lactic Bacillus Tablets

CLAVAMOXY 625 LB stands out as a versatile medication that combines the power of Amoxicillin Potassium Clavulanate with the benefits of Lactic Bacillus. This formulation is designed to address a range of bacterial infections while also promoting gastrointestinal health. The synergy between these active ingredients provides a comprehensive approach to managing infections and maintaining overall well-being. This article delves into the specifics of CLAVAMOXY 625 LB, exploring its components, benefits, mechanism of action, and usage guidelines.

Key Ingredients

  1. Amoxicillin (625 mg)
    • Function: Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum penicillin-type antibiotic. This makes it effective against a variety of bacterial infections, including those affecting the respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin, and soft tissues.
  2. Potassium Clavulanate (125 mg)
    • Function: Clavulanate is a beta-lactamase inhibitor that protects Amoxicillin from being broken down by certain bacteria that produce beta-lactamase enzymes. By inhibiting these enzymes, Clavulanate enhances the efficacy of Amoxicillin, ensuring it remains effective against resistant bacterial strains.
  3. Lactic Bacillus (Probiotic)
    • Function: Lactic Bacillus is a beneficial probiotic that supports digestive health by restoring the natural balance of gut flora. Its inclusion in the formulation helps to counteract gastrointestinal side effects often associated with antibiotics, such as diarrhea and dysbiosis.

Key Benefits

  1. Effective Bacterial Infection Treatment: CLAVAMOXY 625 LB provides a robust defense against a wide array of bacterial infections due to the combined action of Amoxicillin and Potassium Clavulanate. It is particularly useful for treating infections where resistance to standard antibiotics might be an issue.
  2. Enhanced Efficacy Against Resistant Strains: The addition of Potassium Clavulanate ensures that Amoxicillin remains effective even against bacteria that produce beta-lactamase enzymes. This combination broadens the spectrum of bacterial pathogens that can be targeted.
  3. Improved Gastrointestinal Tolerance: By incorporating Lactic Bacillus, CLAVAMOXY 625 LB minimizes the risk of gastrointestinal disturbances commonly associated with antibiotic therapy. This helps in maintaining a healthy gut microbiota, thus reducing the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and other digestive issues.
  4. Comprehensive Treatment Approach: The dual-action of this medication not only addresses bacterial infections effectively but also supports digestive health, making it a well-rounded treatment option.

How Does It Work?

CLAVAMOXY 625 LB operates through a multi-faceted approach to combat bacterial infections. Amoxicillin, a type of penicillin, targets and disrupts the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, leading to the death of the bacteria. However, some bacteria produce enzymes called beta-lactamases that can neutralize Amoxicillin. Potassium Clavulanate inhibits these beta-lactamases, allowing Amoxicillin to maintain its effectiveness.

In addition to its antimicrobial properties, CLAVAMOXY 625 LB includes Lactic Bacillus, a probiotic that helps restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This is particularly beneficial in countering the disruption of gut flora that often results from antibiotic use, thus promoting overall digestive health.

Directions for Use

  • Dosage: The standard dosage of CLAVAMOXY 625 LB is one tablet taken every 8 to 12 hours, depending on the severity of the infection and the recommendations of a healthcare provider. 
  • Administration: The tablet should be swallowed whole with a glass of water. It can be taken with or without food, although taking it with food may reduce the risk of gastrointestinal upset.
  • Duration: Continue the medication for the full prescribed course, even if symptoms improve before completion. 
  • Consultation: Always consult a healthcare provider before starting CLAVAMOXY 625 LB to ensure it is appropriate for your specific condition and to receive personalized dosage instructions.

Side Effects

While CLAVAMOXY 625 LB is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side effects. Common side effects include:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues: These may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal discomfort. The probiotic component helps mitigate these issues, but they may still occur.
  • Allergic Reactions: In rare cases, individuals may experience allergic reactions such as rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. 
  • Yeast Infections: Prolonged use of antibiotics can sometimes lead to yeast infections, particularly in women. If symptoms of a yeast infection develop, consult a healthcare provider.
  • Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea: Although Lactic Bacillus helps reduce this risk, some individuals may still experience diarrhea. Maintain adequate hydration and inform your healthcare provider if diarrhea persists.


CLAVAMOXY 625 LB is a potent combination of Amoxicillin Potassium Clavulanate and Lactic Bacillus that provides an effective and comprehensive solution for treating bacterial infections while supporting digestive health. Its dual-action approach addresses both the infection and potential side effects, offering a well-rounded treatment option. By following the prescribed dosage and consulting with healthcare professionals, patients can maximize the benefits of this medication and contribute to their overall health and well-being. Steris Healthcare Pvt Ltd, operating as Sterispharma since its founding by expert professionals in the pharmaceutical industry in February 2018, is based in Navi Mumbai. The company is certified by WHO, GMP, and ISO, emphasizing its commitment to quality and safety. Sterispharma focuses on providing high-quality drugs at affordable prices throughout India, adhering strictly to WHO guidelines. Offering the convenience of an online pharmacy, customers can easily purchase medicines with home delivery options available. Sterispharma's mission is to supply a broad range of healthcare products to meet the diverse needs of the medical community. From advanced treatments and medications for rare conditions to essential health necessities, Sterispharma aims to serve the extensive demands of the healthcare industry. You can order medicines from Sterispharma through their websites, sterisonline and sterispharma. Their extensive product lineup includes treatments for Cardiology, Asthma, Respiratory Issues, Nasal Conditions, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Anti-infectives/Antibiotics, General Medicine, Urology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dental Care, and Dermatology.

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