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Divalproex (75mg) - View Uses, Dosage, Side Effects...

Jul 26, 2024


Divalproex (75mg)


DIOWELPREX ER 750, which contains Divalproex (750mg), is a potent antiepileptic medication used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder, and to prevent migraine headaches. Divalproex works by stabilizing the electrical activity in the brain, thereby reducing the incidence of seizures, stabilizing mood swings, and preventing migraines.


  • Epilepsy Management: DIOWELPREX ER 750 is prescribed for controlling various types of seizures, including complex partial seizures and absence seizures. It helps in reducing the frequency and intensity of seizures, allowing patients to lead a more normal life.
  • Bipolar Disorder Treatment: This medication is highly effective in managing bipolar disorder. It helps to control manic episodes and stabilize mood swings, thus improving the overall quality of life for patients with bipolar disorder.
  • Migraine Prophylaxis: Divalproex is also used as a preventive treatment for migraine headaches. It reduces the frequency and severity of migraines, helping patients avoid the debilitating effects of chronic migraines.


The appropriate dosage of DIOWELPREX ER 750 should be determined by a healthcare professional based on the patient's condition and response to the medication:

  • For Epilepsy: The initial dose is typically one 750mg tablet taken once daily. The doctor may change the dosage by the patient's response and tolerance.
  • For Bipolar Disorder: The usual starting dose for managing bipolar disorder is 750mg once daily. The dose may be modified depending on the patient’s response to the treatment.
  • For Migraine Prevention: The typical dose for preventing migraines is 750mg taken once daily. Dosage adjustments may be required to achieve optimal results.
  • Administration Guidelines: DIOWELPREX ER 750 should be taken with food to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal side effects. Maintaining stable blood levels requires taking the drug at the same time every day with consistency.

Side Effects

  • Common Side Effects: These may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, weight gain, and hand tremors. The majority of these side effects are moderate, and they usually go away with time.
  • Serious adverse Effects: Although they are uncommon, serious adverse effects can include blood abnormalities, severe allergic responses, pancreatitis, and liver poisoning. Immediate medical attention is necessary if symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, jaundice, unexplained bruising or bleeding, or signs of infection appear.
  • Monitoring and Precautions: Regular liver function tests and blood count monitoring are recommended for patients on DIOWELPREX ER 750. Caution is advised for patients with a history of liver disease, pancreatitis, or blood disorders.


The cost of DIOWELPREX ER 750 varies depending on the pharmacy and location. In India, the price typically ranges from ₹500 to ₹1,000 for a bottle of 30 tablets. Checking with local pharmacies or reputable online stores can provide the most accurate pricing information.


DIOWELPREX ER 750 (Divalproex 750mg) is a highly effective medication for the treatment of epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and the prevention of migraines. By stabilizing brain activity, it helps manage seizures and mood swings and reduces the frequency of migraines. Patients should follow their prescribed dosage, regularly monitor for any side effects, and consult their healthcare provider to ensure the safe and effective use of this medication. Steris Healthcare Pvt Ltd, operating as Sterispharma since its founding by expert professionals in the pharmaceutical industry in February 2018, is based in Navi Mumbai. The company is certified by WHO, GMP, and ISO, emphasizing its commitment to quality and safety. Sterispharma focuses on providing high-quality drugs at affordable prices throughout India, adhering strictly to WHO guidelines. Offering the convenience of an online pharmacy, customers can easily purchase medicines with home delivery options available. Sterispharma's mission is to supply a broad range of healthcare products to meet the diverse needs of the medical community. From advanced treatments and medications for rare conditions to essential health necessities, Sterispharma aims to serve the extensive demands of the healthcare industry. You can order medicines from Sterispharma through their websites, sterisonline and sterispharma. Their extensive product lineup includes treatments for Cardiology, Asthma, Respiratory Issues, Nasal Conditions, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Anti-infectives/Antibiotics, General Medicine, Urology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dental Care, and Dermatology.

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