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PAFAGOLD 10 :Uses & Side and Precuations and Other …

Jul 24, 2024


Dapagliflozin (10mg)

Dapagliflozin (10mg), marketed as PAFAGOLD 10, is a medication used primarily to manage type 2 diabetes. By inhibiting sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) in the kidneys, dapagliflozin enhances glucose excretion through urine, thus lowering blood glucose levels.

PAFAGOLD 10 is prescribed for individuals with type 2 diabetes to improve glycemic control. It is often used in conjunction with diet and exercise. Additionally, it can reduce the risk of hospitalization for heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The typical dosage of PAFAGOLD 10 is one 10mg tablet taken once daily, with or without food. Consistency in taking the medication at the same time each day is recommended for optimal results.

Side Effects
Common side effects include urinary tract infections, genital yeast infections, and increased urination. More serious but less common side effects include dehydration, ketoacidosis, and kidney injury. Patients should stay hydrated and monitor for symptoms.

In India, PAFAGOLD 10 is priced at approximately ₹300-₹500 for a month's supply, varying based on the pharmacy and location.

PAFAGOLD 10 (Dapagliflozin 10mg) is an effective option for managing type 2 diabetes and associated cardiovascular risks. Always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice and monitoring while on this medication. Steris Healthcare Pvt Ltd, operating as Sterispharma since its founding by expert professionals in the pharmaceutical industry in February 2018, is based in Navi Mumbai. The company is certified by WHO, GMP, and ISO, emphasizing its commitment to quality and safety. Sterispharma focuses on providing high-quality drugs at affordable prices throughout India, adhering strictly to WHO guidelines. Offering the convenience of an online pharmacy, customers can easily purchase medicines with home delivery options available. Sterispharma's mission is to supply a broad range of healthcare products to meet the diverse needs of the medical community. From advanced treatments and medications for rare conditions to essential health necessities, Sterispharma aims to serve the extensive demands of the healthcare industry. You can order medicines from Sterispharma through their websites, sterisonline and sterispharma. Their extensive product lineup includes treatments for Cardiology, Asthma, Respiratory Issues, Nasal Conditions, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Anti-infectives/Antibiotics, General Medicine, Urology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dental Care, and Dermatology. 

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