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Understanding Mesalamine 800mg: Benefits, Dosage, and Side Effects

Aug 10, 2024


Mesalamine (800mg)


Mesalamine, an anti-inflammatory drug, is widely used to treat various inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. MESALMILE 800 ER is a formulation containing 800mg of Mesalamine, designed to be released gradually in the colon to reduce inflammation. This medication plays a crucial role in managing symptoms and maintaining remission in patients suffering from these chronic conditions. The extended-release (ER) formulation ensures a controlled release of the drug, allowing for consistent therapeutic effects over a longer period, and reducing the need for frequent dosing.

Uses of Mesalamine 800mg

Mesalamine 800mg is primarily prescribed for the treatment and management of ulcerative colitis, a chronic condition characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the colon's innermost lining. The drug helps reduce symptoms such as diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and abdominal pain, contributing to the overall improvement in the quality of life for patients. Additionally, Mesalamine is used to maintain remission in ulcerative colitis patients, preventing the recurrence of flare-ups. It is also effective in managing mild to moderate cases of Crohn’s disease, particularly in the colon.

Dosage and Administration

The dosage of MESALMILE 800 ER varies depending on the patient's condition, the severity of the disease, and the individual response to the medication. Typically, for adults, the standard starting dose is 2.4 grams per day, divided into multiple doses. In more severe cases, the dosage may be increased up to 4.8 grams per day. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosage strictly and not to skip doses to maintain the drug's effectiveness. The tablets should be taken orally, preferably with food, to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort.

Patients are advised to swallow the tablets whole without crushing or chewing them, as the extended-release formulation is designed to release the drug slowly in the intestines. Any alteration in the tablet’s integrity may lead to a rapid release of the drug, reducing its effectiveness and increasing the risk of side effects. It is also important to stay hydrated while on Mesalamine, as dehydration can exacerbate certain side effects.

Side Effects of Mesalamine 800mg

Like any medication, Mesalamine 800mg may cause side effects, though not everyone experiences them. The most common side effects include headache, nausea, and abdominal pain. Some patients may experience diarrhea, which can be confused with worsening of the disease; however, it is often a mild side effect that resolves with continued use.

Less commonly, Mesalamine may cause allergic reactions, which can manifest as rash, itching, or difficulty breathing. In rare cases, more severe side effects such as chest pain, severe stomach pain, or a decrease in urine output may occur. These symptoms require immediate medical attention.

Patients with a history of kidney or liver problems should inform their healthcare provider before starting Mesalamine, as the drug may exacerbate these conditions. Regular monitoring of kidney function is recommended for patients on long-term Mesalamine therapy.

Price of MESALMILE 800 ER in India

The price of MESALMILE 800 ER in India can vary depending on the brand, location, and availability. On average, a strip of 10 tablets of MESALMILE 800 ER costs around INR 300 to INR 500. Prices may fluctuate based on the pharmacy or if purchased online, where discounts and offers might be available. It's advisable to check with local pharmacies or trusted online platforms for the best prices.


MESALMILE 800 ER, containing 800mg of Mesalamine, is a vital medication for managing inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Its extended-release formulation provides a consistent therapeutic effect, reducing the need for frequent dosing and improving patient compliance. While the drug is generally well-tolerated, patients should be aware of the potential side effects and adhere to their prescribed dosage to ensure the best possible outcomes. Regular consultations with a healthcare provider are essential for monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment and adjusting the dosage if necessary. Steris Healthcare Pvt Ltd, founded by a group of expert professionals in the pharmaceutical industry in February 2018, operates as Sterispharma. Based in Navi Mumbai, the company holds certifications from WHO, GMP, and ISO, underscoring its commitment to quality and safety. Sterispharma is dedicated to providing high-quality drugs at affordable prices across India, strictly adhering to WHO guidelines. Sterispharma offers the convenience of an online pharmacy, enabling customers to easily purchase medicines and benefit from home delivery. The company's mission is to supply a wide array of healthcare products to meet the diverse needs of the medical community. Whether it's advanced treatments, medications for rare conditions, or essential health necessities, Sterispharma strives to serve the broad demands of the healthcare industry. If you need medicine then you can order it on these two websites sterisonline and sterispharma  Order Now Sterispharma's extensive product lineup includes treatments for various health areas such as Cardiology, Asthma, Respiratory Issues, Nasal Conditions, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Anti-infectives/Antibiotics, General Medicine, Urology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dental Care, and Dermatology.

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